[ Steven Ma, Yumiko Cheng, Wayne Lai, Ha Yu, Elaine Yiu, Johnson Lee, Evergreen Mak, Lo Koon Lan, Elaine Yiu, Savio Tsang ]
Having lost her father at an early age, farm security guard CHAN SAI-MUI (Yumiko Cheng) grew to be an outspoken and determined woman who would do her utmost to protect her home village. It is her sincerity that has won her respect from all villagers of the Leung Choi County. Sometimes she would get too enthusiastic and impulsive that she could bring about a lot of misunderstandings. Amusingly, she has mistaken the newly appointed agricultural official TSE WONG-SHEUNG (Steven Ma) for a thief and the two of them have been bitter enemies ever since. To keep himself from any possible trouble, SHEUNG has been avoiding MUI intentionally.For the benefit of his son’s future, SHEUNG’s father TSE CHONG-TIN (Ha Yu) has not only invited the intelligent TAI TSUNG-MAN (Wayne Lai) to be SHEUNG’s assistant, but also found him four special bodyguards namely CHUK, FUN, MIN and FAN. Despite the best arrangements for SHEUNG, he still gets framed by the corrupted officials from Changsha and is in danger of facing the most torturing punishment. Luckily, MUI and MAN manage to save him in the nick of time with a jade bowl bestowed by the former emperor. To everyone’s surprise, the jade bowl turns out a fake, but with MAN’s wit and courage, SHEUNG is finally saved from danger. MUI has been through a lot together with SHEUNG and is starting to fall in love with him. SHEUNG, on the other hand, has no feelings for MUI and decides to turn to MAN for tips as to how to break away from her. Mysteriously, SHEUNG starts being pursued by a hitman soon afterwards.

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The Gentle Crackdown II Theme Song by Steven Ma & Yumiko Cheng
Episode 1
Episode 2
Episode 3
Episode 4
Episode 5
Episode 6
Episode 7
Episode 8
Episode 9
Episode 10
Episode 11
Episode 12
Episode 13
Episode 14
Episode 15
Episode 16
Episode 17
Episode 18
Episode 19
Episode 20
The Gentle Crackdown II - 01
The Gentle Crackdown II - 02
The Gentle Crackdown II - 03
The Gentle Crackdown II - 04
The Gentle Crackdown II - 05
The Gentle Crackdown II - 06
The Gentle Crackdown II - 07
The Gentle Crackdown II - 08
The Gentle Crackdown II - 09
The Gentle Crackdown II - 10
The Gentle Crackdown II - 11
The Gentle Crackdown II - 12
The Gentle Crackdown II - 13
The Gentle Crackdown II - 14
The Gentle Crackdown II - 15
The Gentle Crackdown II - 16
The Gentle Crackdown II - 17
The Gentle Crackdown II - 18
The Gentle Crackdown II - 19
The Gentle Crackdown II - 20
The Gentle Crackdown II - 01
The Gentle Crackdown II - 02
The Gentle Crackdown II - 03
The Gentle Crackdown II - 04
The Gentle Crackdown II - 05
The Gentle Crackdown II - 06
The Gentle Crackdown II - 07
The Gentle Crackdown II - 08
The Gentle Crackdown II - 09
The Gentle Crackdown II - 10
The Gentle Crackdown II - 11
The Gentle Crackdown II - 12
The Gentle Crackdown II - 13
The Gentle Crackdown II - 14
The Gentle Crackdown II - 15
The Gentle Crackdown II - 16
The Gentle Crackdown II - 17
The Gentle Crackdown II - 18
The Gentle Crackdown II - 19
The Gentle Crackdown II - 20
利是图的米商,曾在一场饥荒之中出于好心用半碗饭救了一个快饿死的小和尚,怎知那小和尚竟成了当今皇上。皇上为报答他的一饭之恩,御赐他九龙白玉碗,报他 全家平安。官场黑暗,只是知子莫若父,苍天深明其子性情,为了圆其心愿,不惜投掷万金捐官,让其子成为农官。并找来机灵巧智,料事如神,别名大老爷的戴从 文作儿子的师爷,替其子排难解纷。
梁飞雁为梁小蝶报仇追杀皇上。原来小蝶为杭州名妓,恋上自称是良材县大利米店少东谢皇上,但小蝶遭谢皇上骗财骗色后,服下毒酒自尽。飞雁从小蝶留下的札 记,得悉谢皇上的恶行,证据皆对皇上极度不利。与此同时,苏镇东接任为良材县的县官,亲自审理此案。镇东与从文积怨甚深,加上收取了真凶的贿赂钱,欲将罪 名加诸谢皇上身上。幸从文抽丝剥茧,指出种种证据,指证害死小蝶的真凶,另有其人,救回皇上。而皇上得吏部尚书赏识,故被提拔为良材县县官,代替一气之下 要求调往别处的苏镇东,从此为民伸张正义,为世间难得的清廉好官。
其后,在香水被杀案中,谢皇上和戴从文凭着机智,侦破香水未死,死者另有其人,两人惺惺相惜,关系更为密切。 不久,苏镇东升为六府巡按,来到良才县巡查,并派其弟献计陷害谢皇上等一干人。他们陷害小妹杀人,皇上为免小妹受牢狱之苦,情急之下想出与小妹假成 婚,当小妹成为了谢家一份子,以当今圣上御踢的饭碗保其平安。皇上这的相救,令妹深深感动。
ch 1 http://www.filesonic.com/file/82130735
ch 2 http://www.filesonic.com/file/82160311
ch 3 http://www.filesonic.com/file/82252057
ch 4 http://www.filesonic.com/file/82258703
ch 5 http://www.filesonic.com/file/82795531
ch 6 http://www.filesonic.com/file/86358998
ch 7 http://www.filesonic.com/file/87208568
ch 8 http://www.filesonic.com/file/89645991
ch 9 http://www.filesonic.com/file/96513261
ch10 http://www.filesonic.com/file/97413511
ch11 http://www.filesonic.com/file/97412631
ch12 http://www.filesonic.com/file/98263831
ch13 http://www.filesonic.com/file/98620611
ch14 http://www.filesonic.com/file/98881182
ch15 http://www.filesonic.com/file/102342261
ch16 http://www.filesonic.com/file/102807921
ch17 http://www.filesonic.com/file/103017082
ch18 http://www.filesonic.com/file/103268901
ch19 http://www.filesonic.com/file/110725552
ch20 http://www.filesonic.com/file/110895121
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